Thursday, 26 April 2012


last week, i learn new thing about digital system that apply flip flop and driver to produce digital display 7 segment.....  well in the process of keep updating my blog, i well tell you about the operation system inside ic HD7493(flip-flop  or counter)  and driver digital display ic SN7447...AND 7 SEGMENT DIGITAL DISPLAY......3 main electronic device will be focus in this section...
above diagram shows the connection for the 7 segment digital display, the connection follow this arrangement.... from  HD74LS93P to SN74LS47N and lastly to 7 segment display..
this connection can be found from data sheet. pandai2 la cari kat internet...

After connecting and troubleshooting, the result may be like this....
sory pict mungkin x brapa perfect sebab project ni buat dalam lab by grouping. The output result, not bad.....  All 7 segment display work perfectly, and it display follow it,s sequence from 1 to 15.... u still wonder how the number 10 to 15 display on the 7 segment... well, every device already design for it's sequence and display what output will become, SN74LS47N is ic that decide what segment that gonna display on the 7 segment displayer, which is only used to display output only... the number display start with counter that use to change pulse to counting function. After that, the pulse will change and take the higher pulse as "true" and trigger the output to the HD74LS47N and start to follow the binary sequences until become the output number...which is counting from 1 to 15...since the counter has only 4 flip-flop function in 1 ic, according to the data sheet....truth table will show how it really work..=)
What A,B,C,D,E,F,G OUTPUT IS REALY IS? well this is output signal that will connected to the 7 segment digital display. the output connection will directly to the the input devices according to the data the diagram connection

well now u know why output must be 7, because the segment consist 7 segment which is a,b,c,d,e,f,g ..... 


Well, actually its simple if u already master the flip-flop operation in digital system, everyting in flip-flop are always refering to the pulse input as starting point...

in ic HD74LS93N its consist of 4 flip flop..... Q0,Q1,Q2 AND Q3 ... bellow will give u some tips to know more about flip flop...

above figure only show 3 flip flop....

4 flip flop....

this how it look inside the HD74LS93N....
the pulse will follow the sequence from 0000 to 1111 throught this ic....


well, smpai di sini ajer utk ari ni pyer keje... so, klau ader ape2 bnda nk dibincangkan, comment ajer ...=)

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Tuesday, 24 January 2012


okey.....task pertama yang sayer keje kn skarng ni adalah berkaitan dgn bunyi yg dihasilkan oleh buzer...basic nyer, jika kita pasangkan buzer atau piezo buzzer directly ngan battery, bunyi nyer simple jer....beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppp( selagi button x off).......tpi....cmner plak klau nk buat bunyi nyer jenis bep...bep.....bep....bep...and so on......( xpa tkan button off)....inilah circuit yg saye guna. circuit ini mengandungi ic jenis cd4060B yang menghasilkan 3 jenis alunan atau pulse. bersertakkan preset 5k ohm dan 100k ohm ,capacitor 3.3 nanofarad, resistor 10 k ohm x3 dan 100k ohm x1 , piezzo buzzer satu jer, transistor jenis  BC557, battery 9v.....sedikit wayar,  dan board circuit...pemasangan base on the circuit schematic given....just follow.....result nyer , bole tgk dlm video ni...;)

well... task pertama dh siap....proceed to next level.....   : D

Wednesday, 18 January 2012


assalamualaikum kawan2, hari ni saya baru jer regist buat satu blog sendiri, baru lagi....rasenyer tringin nak post bnda2 yang bermanfaat sikit kat laman web ni....ooh, nama saya muhammad arif azri skrang ni blajar dkat unikl mfi....ambil mechatronic eng. tech.....skang ni baru stat berminat ngan brg2 electronik....walaupun masih pening lagi ngan bnda2 ni, tpi saye yakin, lama kelamaan , bnda ni dah jadi satu part dlam kehidupan saye pd masa depan.....oohh, blog ni akan jadi satu bahan rujukan untuk digunakan pada semua org trmasuk saya, sebagai rujukan penting pada masa akan datang....jadi kalian, jika ader tersilap knowledge atau pendapat yg saye luahkkan pada blog ini...sila comment.....